Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ABC's Revisited

Nickolas asked me oh so nicely to please remove the video of the naked baby on the I had Coop sing it again, fully clothed for your viewing enjoyment!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


That I am 2 weeks farther along than I was in this picture taken almost exactly 3 years ago.
That this is my second......
I guess I am okay..........

So feast your eyes on "The Bump"

Just thought you might like to see!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

100 Days

Jackson is due in 100 days...........Wow.
Why am I still so sick??

I cannot believe how different this pregnancy has been. Definitely harder!

Cooper is quite the little man. He peed in the potty 3 times yesterday and one of those times was at church. I am planning on taking it super slow, the goal is by the time we go back to school in August. That way he can have the whole summer to get used to the potty and the baby!!

That is all... Not really anything exciting!