Sunday, February 27, 2011

In the last 40 days.....

We started a "WALL Remodel" (not done)

I fell even more in love with these faces 
(I mean... who wouldn't )

I read the ENTIRE 
 (didn't know I had it in me.)

This was a seriously cool experience.  Talk about a feast, it was more like spiritual balm for the soul, interspersed with pure panic when I fell behind.

Some of the things I learned.  
#1 I got really annoyed that the people would only turn to God when they wanted one of two things: Food and Protection from the guy with the bigger army.  Then I realized something, God doesn't care why you turn to him, he loves us so much he just wants us to turn.  Just like in the New Testament Jesus did not get frustrated because the people showed up to the Sermon on the Mount because they heard of his miracle with the loaves and fishes, he took the opportunity to lay out the path to becoming perfect.

#2 I loved the relationship between Mormon and Moroni.  At the end of the Book of Mormon, Moroni includes some letters he received form his Dad. (Mormon).  I loved the little terms of endearment and genuine concern.  I can picture myself writing similar letters to Coop and Jacks when they are serving their missions.

Moroni 8:2,3 I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work.  I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end.

#3 I love that Mormon and Moroni had their own "special" language (kinda like inside jokes, but not funny).  Mormon mentions the Jaredites, and no one else on the entire planet at this time even knew there had been a people called the Jaredites.  Because these 2 remarkable men were given the instruction to abridge and transcribe sacred records they were blessed with knowledge and insight into their world that was destroying itself.  

We have been given the same gift.  We have access to scripture that can guide and inspire us in all we are doing, whether it be striving to become a better Parent, Child, Employee or to just become a better person, the steps and inspiration are all there if we will just take the time to read it and use it.

#4 3 Nephi 11 (nuff said)

The scriptures were given to us so we can remember.  Remember the great blessings and glory of a Generous and Merciful Father in Heaven.

Kinda deep for a Sunday in February.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Nickolas

I Love you to the Depth, Breadth and Width of my soul.

Just in case you had forgotten.
Happy Valentines

Photograph by Cooper John.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jacks @ 9 months

Today Jacks:

Is crazy hilarious
Stayed up late last night practicing standing up in his crib. (Imagine tuning in on the baby monitor and hearing excited panting!!)
Wears size 12 month clothes.
Weighs 20 pounds
Still only has 2 teeth, but I think more are budding as we speak.
Eats... well just about everything. (including misc items found on the floor)

 Is still a Mommas boy.

Today Coop:
Is Kicking Butt at potty training, more on that later
Is such a little MAN!