Thursday, March 20, 2008


I have finally given in and admitted to being tagged

10 years ago
I just turned sixteen and bought my first car a 1986 Ford Escort for $150. Oh how I miss that car!! Just thinking about it has kind of made me mushy. The friends I miss---Bonnie, Ashley, Chantry, Maren, Jamie, Amy, Aaron, Aaron, Orrin and Morgan.

5 Things on Todays TO-DO list.

Teach my students to love clay
Eat Lunch with my Baby
Go grocery shopping
Drive to Hurricane to see my wonderful friend Annie and her beautiful kids!! ( By the way Annie I tag you!!)
Wait patiently for Nick to get home from work. Late again!!

Snacks I enjoy

Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches
Granola Bars
Graham Crackers with Cooper

Things I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire

I would stop worrying about how much houses cost and just pick my favorite. I would pay of my parents debts(since we don't have any) I would buy a car to help facilitate the commute that Nick Cooper and I share. I would pay off my sisters student loans and I would set up a college fund for Cooper. I would fly my Mom down to Babysit so Nick and I could go on an actual date.

Bad Habits

If I start a book I ignore everything around me even if the baby is screaming.
I am to sensitive to the things Nick says sometimes.
I am to blunt with my students and my beehives.

5 places I have lived

Cedar City
Cedar City again
St. George

5 jobs I have had
So in thinking about, goodness I have worked at alot of places, so here are the jobs since I went to college
Arbys, Now I can't eat there, you do not want to know!!
Full time Babysitter. I love you Victoria!
Pastry Pub- I miss you Machee, Chelsie, Brittany, Rachel, Nikki, Lindsay,Shay-Bay.
Ceramics Teacher

5 Things People don't know about me.

I can read a 200 pg Book in about 2 hrs!!
I have a slight obsession with pretty panties
I want to move so I don't have to be YW President anymore.
I secretly think my Baby is THE BEST, in the world.
Sometimes I wish I had a maid!!!

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