Friday, March 6, 2009


This is what Cooper yells every time the vacuum comes out of the closet and roars to life
What a big helper!

But the next issue is, Can anyone guess how long it takes to vacuum a floor with a 21 month old, who will not drop his Magnadoodle??

Answer: A really long time. What a great Daddy.


Annalie said...

Thats good that he likes to help with the vacuming. Until both Jay and Natalie were about 18 months I had to hold them while I vacuumed because they were scared TO DEATH of the thing!

Jake and Jen said...

lol at least he wants to help. Our kids try dodging it and start bouncing off the couches =D

Elise said...

How long would you guess it takes to vacuum when you have a Chancho walking backwards in front of you looking into the vacuum's headlight? FOREVER, that's how long. P.S. How do you get Nick to vacuum? Bribery? Tell me your secrets, woman!

Jake and Jen said...

read my blog you been tagged!!