Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Potty training... Sitting or Standing?

We have slowly been working with Coop, because I would love to get him out of diapers before Baby Jack makes an appearance.
He does pretty well.
Monday night he wanted to go "all by myself" ( a very common phrase in our house), but he went on the floor instead.
Now last night he wanted to go, but he wanted to stand up! He tried really hard, twice, but nothing came out.
So I am just wondering.....
Sitting or Standing
Any Advice?


AggieMay said...

PS (pre script) I love the name Jack.

I say sitting. Standing offers way to may things as targets to shoot. That and for us Ian isn't tall enough to go standing up (or coordinated either). Then again I'm sure Coop with be the ultimate decider.

PS (post script) I'm still shocked and excited that you're pregnant and expecting in May YAY! Congrats!

word verification (it's my new thing to add these to my comments) "creyere" I don't know about this one. Sounds british.

Elise said...

Let me know what you find out; I'm sure that I won't be too far behind you with DJ. Potty training SUCKS.

P.S. Word verification: efish. Like if you sort of feel like swearing, "Efish!" Creyere sounds French to me. Tawny, that's your department.

Beth said...

We started sitting. It was easier for me. He was way to short when we started. It also helped when he had to go number 2 and he didn't know how to tell us what he had to do just that he had to do it. He would stand and go outside during the summer (in the woods or an emergency situation on the side of the road). Once he felt comfortable going standing up we worked on it, but he liked sitting down for a long time.
Good luck.

The Martin's said...

we started with sitting and now after a couple months I'll let Brent stand, but overall we stick with sitting.

Nycole said...

When Parker started he wasn't very patient with sitting,(still isn't) but he found the "pocket" and loved to stand. He wouldn't go unless he was standing up using the "pocket" now he doesn't have time for it and just stands and " lets the water come out" Good Luck!!!

Jenn said...

Sorry love, I can't help you with this one!