Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Things I can't handle right now:

Jacks screaming
Cooper's babysitters' reticence to help with potty training in any way shape or form and her attitude disabling all the progress he has made
Nick being at work all night, home really late tomorrow and camping all weekend with the scouts.
The "teacher homework" that is sitting on my desk

Feeling a little overwhelmed


Jenn said...

No Fun!!! I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed. Can I watch your boys sometime this weekend. I could help out on Sat, and then you could get some Teacher homework done, or just rest.

AggieMay said...

Miss Tawny- I love you. I'm sorry you're so stressed. I totally understand. I had a good cry-it-out last night. Hope you take advantage of your friend Jenn's offer to watch the kiddos. Love your guts. I think of you ALL THE TIME. No joke.
<3 Mags

Elise said...

Sorry Tawny. We need to get together in a place that has a punching bag and some sort of chocolate buffet. Life is hard, isn't it? I hear ya, I hear ya.

At least your kids are still cute. :)

Sarah said...

I have three younger brothers... I understand this. lol Will be praying. I Have no doubt you'll be raising some heros :)
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