Friday, August 12, 2011

Here we go again.....

Day care issues.
I hate them.
I think I have everything ready to go, and it falls apart.
Will someone please move here and babysit my kids?!?

Plus I hit my face today and it hurts, but at least the swelling has gone down. :)


Elise said...

Why did you hit yourself in the face, Tawny? ;)

Sorry about the daycare issues. I'll take your boys when I start my daycare. :)

Good luck at school!

AggieMay said...

Oh man- so sorry. About all of it.

My dad thought it was funny one time to ask me "Does your face hurt? Because it's hurting me." I didn't think it was very funny- I think I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out so it WAS hurting. Long story short (too late!) hope you feel better soon. And that nobody ever says that to you.

And wish I could take those munchkins off your hands-- I think our boys would be the bestest of friends. Even better than Copper and Todd from fox and the hound... cause they weren't super good friends in the end. But ours would be.

Love you.
Hang in there.