Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another try.

Hey, so to the 5 of you that saw my rambling yesterday, sorry about that. I am going to attempt to be more coherent today.

 I am on House Arrest for today and maybe tomorrow I had a reaction to my post-op Antibiotic and broke out in Hives from the top of my head-to-the soles of my feet, and they are Heat and Sunlight sensitive. 

Recovery has been a lot harder than I thought. I am going to be on crutches until July 6th at the earliest. I started Physical Therapy and my range of motion sucks. I can bend my knee to 75 degrees, but I cannot lift my leg off a flat table or extend out through my knee at all. It has been really frustrating, and painful.

 My neighbors and friends have been awesome. They take my boys out for play dates, and last week they even set up rides so the boys and I could go to playgroup at the downtown splash pad since I couldn't drive.

As for driving. On Friday I got 30 more degrees of movement in my brace, so now I can drive although it is painful and awkward.

Next week is Scout Camp, so holding to tradition, we bought a car on Saturday, so I wouldn't be car-less while Nick is gone. Exactly the same as last year. However if my new car catches fire next Wednesday, I will NEVER buy another car!! We got a 2010 Ford Edge. It is White Suede with a super Dark Brown Leather Interior. So Fun!!

 Nick has been wonderful, and  I have not been so nice to him, because he has been so great. I am not used to not being able to take care of myself or my boys, and I hate asking for help. I guess because I feel frustrated, I just assume he is frustrated, so I get more frustrated. But one of the greatest thing about Nick is how he rolls with the punches, and is willing to do really anything, ungrudgingly.

So despite it all.  I am so Lucky.


Elise said...

Geez, Tawny! I'm sorry! Rough summer, huh? If I were there I would pick up your boys and take them home with me. And maybe never bring them back. So maybe it's best that I'm not in Utah.

Beautiful car! This one WON'T burn to the ground, I have a feeling. :)

Annalie said...

I am sorry about the knee stuff, it sucks big time. I had that exact same surgery on my knee but I was 15 at the time and didn't have to worry about taking care of anyone else. I know how frustrating and kind of embarrassing it can feel to not even be able to lift your own dang leg from the bed, it's super lame. This time next year though, you will be looking back on all of this fondly. Or maybe not, but you will have a sweet car to drive around in as you look back on it! :)