Thursday, July 22, 2010

Since you've been gone....

Nick comes back from scout camp tonight. Since Monday he has been basking in the Dirt, Flag ceremonies and 80 degree weather.
We are so excited to see him, but a lot has happened since he has been gone

Cooper learned to catch a ball!!
Jacks slept for 8 hours straight!!
Cooper got a Big Boy Bed!!
I am certain I could never survive as a single mom when I realized, after running errands this morning, that I had on no Make-up. (no wonder the nice lady in the grocery store offered to take my SCREAMING child home!) I Look like I haven't slept in months (thank you chronic under-eye circles!!)
Can't wait for Daddy to be home!!


AggieMay said...

Thanks for the song title! I happen to love this song. Makes me want to blast it with the windows down and sing along at stop lights just to embarrass all those around me. :) Your boys are so big :*( Makes me miss you even more. Hope you survive the heat. <3 You!

Kristen said...

Hey Tawny! Those boys are so cute! I loved the post about the stripes and plaid--they totally go perfect together! I agree with you about the Moby--who knew?!! Love it! You guys are all looking great! I loved catching up on your family! Keep your eyes out for those bad guys--they seem to be all over at my house! ha ha! So cute!