Friday, November 12, 2010

@ 6 Months

Wears size 6- 9 month clothes
Wears size 3 diapers

Has 2 teeth
Eats baby food at lunch and dinner time, but still nurses constantly.
Loves to eat Bread.
Loves to suck on Saltines and Animal crackers.
Does not sleep well at night. Except last night!
Puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth.
Gets REALLY excited every time he sees me even if it has only been  minutes.
Has developed object permanence and gets really upset if you take something away from him.

Post Edit:
November 17 Well Child Check
Weight: 18 pounds 1 oz (58%)
Height: 27.25 inches (76%)
Head: 45 cm (81.5%)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can not believe he is 6 months old. Time goes by too fast. But look at how cute he is!!! You make great kids.