Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Dear Baby Einstein,
I love classical music, so how is it you make it annoying and slightly grating .
Maybe it's the puppets!
Sincerely, Coops Mom

Dear Dad,
You are amazing.  And as much as I loved your pillow belly when I was young, it was pretty spectacular to be able to get my arms all the way around you on Monday.  Keep up the good work!.
Love, Daughter #3

Dear Coop,
Thanks so much for being such a great big brother. Our road trip would have made my head explode if you had not talked to, played with and in every way entertained your, still back facing, brother.  Thank you for taking care of him when I couldn't!
Love, Mommy

Dear Turf Farm,
Your sod sucks!! FYI!  But thanks for the Bicep workout today! Oh and the Blister :(
Sincerely, The lady with the dead lawn.

Dear Wall,
I would really appreciate is if you could finish yourself.
Love, your roomate.

Dear Elise,
I am currently considering upping the investment in my bangs.  What do you think?
Love, An almost 30 year old mother of 2 who has never done anything with her hair ever, and is a little nervous for our salon date in 15.5 hours.

Dear Nick,
It is after midnight, I am tired, but I am going to wait for you to get home from work!
Love, Me


Elise said...

Dear Tawny,

If you do bangs I'm definitely talking you into streaks of some sort. You have nothing to be nervous about. If you can teach high school, you can get your hair done. See ya in 7.5 hours. Mwah ha ha ha ha!


Your friend who is excited to talk you into doing something crazy with your hair

AggieMay said...

Love you. That is all.

Jenn said...

Oh, I am sooooo excited to see the results!!! How about we do a threesome play date with Elise before Spring Break is over?