Monday, May 19, 2008

Coop and Me

The other day Nick ran to the store and the whole time Coop and I just rolled around on the floor and played.

He is so much fun now that he can interact and play. I just wish he would call me mama instead of Daddy!!

Yesterday when we had the closing prayer with our Home Teacher Cooper said a very clear Amen, it was so cute!!!


brent & meg talbot said...

TAWNY! Cooper is the cutest boy! How are you? You aren't still in Cedar, are you? I'm so glad you left me a comment. Your house is so cute. Are you enjoying teaching? Talk to you soon, and enjoy the first birthday -- it's a blast!


amy said...

Hi Tawny! I saw your blog through Jess's. How are you guys?!!? Cooper is sooooo cute! Heard you were living down here now. We should get together some time!