Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Great Pajama Search

Just like most Families my family always gave New PJ's Christmas Eve. So this year I went out and bought Coop soft Dino PJ's, but then I was struck with the memory of the marvelous homemade jammies my Mom used to make us.

So I set forth on the pajama mission.
I purchased the material and went to work!!
Here are the results!!!!

He makes everything look good!!

Note: The shirts don't fit very well, but the little pants are adorable!!


TAMPA said...

:>) Look at you ... you sew, you mold pots, you teach, is there anything you can't do? Yah, coop could wear a trash bag.. and look good .. Miss his mug !!

Kristen said...

Wow! I am so impressed! That is something I would like to do. One day . . . Cooper is so cute! I can't believe how big he is--is he tall for his age? I love all the pictures! Glad you had a good holiday break!