Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hard Things.

I have 2 days to teach Cooper to ride his bike.

It did not go well this morning, although he did better than he thinks he did.  He actually did really well.

2 Days, Why the rush?

Because I am having Knee Surgery on Friday.  
I wish I could say it was a simple Scope, but it is a little more serious than that.  They will be loosening the ligament, and tightening the tendon to re-align the patella (Kneecap). They may also have to cut a piece out of the bone (femur?) to lift the Kneecap away from the joint. And then the simple scope to clean out the bits that have apparently broken off of something and are just floating around. 

I am Scared.

I won't be able to walk for a day or two, then crutches, then a brace for 6 weeks. End result, hopefully no pain, or at least less..... 

Serious Summer Changer.

But Coop and I......We Can Do Hard Things.


Elise said...

Ouch. I hope your surgery goes well and that it will leave you pain-free.

And the bike thing...if I were there I'd push him down the street for you if he doesn't catch on before your surgery. :)

AggieMay said...

oh man- that IS hard. All the way around! May the knee be pain free forever more. Dang. Ian wants to learn how to ride without training wheels (he took the off himself when I was being too slow-wrench and all) but it'll still be a little while. In a hurry to grow up. Maybe Dad will need to take a try at it some weekend and you can be head cheerleader with Popsicles as reward :) Best of luck my dear friend.