Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dear..knee edition

Dear right knee
 I am so glad you are feeling better, I'm sorry you have had to work so hard the last couple of days. I'm also sorry that I didn't notice how much you swelling had gone down until your neighbor knee become a cantaloupe. Keep being strong.

 Dear left knee yeah I really have nothing to say to you. We might be in a fight.

Dear November
I know the goal was to start running when you got here, but I may have to wait a little longer.  I'm sorry.

 Dear skinny jeans I will miss you, but your legs just aren't wide enough to accommodate my cantaloupe. Hope to see you soon.

 Dear body image
I know that seeing your leg this way is making you feel bad, try to remember that your knee size is because of swelling, not because of fat, even though it just looks like fat.

Dear boys

You are both amazing, thanks for being awesome.

Dear people who read this blog
Come check in next Saturday for an Exciting Development.

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