Saturday, September 29, 2012


We are so excited that we got Bunkbeds this weekend.
 Cooper is more than thrilled that he gets the Top-Bunk
We are going to replace the fan though.
it is a little close to Coops head.

 The view from the Bunkbed
Now I just have to finish Jacks Blanket.
I have a lot of bed rest in my future, so I should be able to get it done.
 Jacks is sick tonight, his fever spiked at 102+
he went to bed, (in his new big boy bed) at 7:00
Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.


AggieMay said...

Bed rest due to knees or other? And I'm jealous of your bunkbeds...first we have to move into our own house.... Love your guts!

Tawny said...

Definitely Knee related!!

Jenn said...

Yeah, I was wondering if the bed rest was for your knee too...

So you know your post about guilt, well I have that too, because I have not called you or reached out at all since Hayley told me that you slipped and fell. I am so selfish and I am sorry. How are you? I promise to see you or talk to you soon.

Love you tons